Thursday, January 9, 2014

FFXIV Adventure Log : Gridania

The Great Forest
I like Gridania. The greenery of it is always peaceful. Out of the three nations this is definitely my favorite. Might have to do with being a White Mage, mind you. I was a Conjurer when I arrived in Eorzea, but then I trained into the arts of Paladinship and Archery. I also recently added Arcany to my skills, although it's not my favorite. I like being rounded up. That's why I am training at Thaumaturgy and Black Magic as well. That way I can fill most roles that my friends might need help in.

I started my adventures in Uldah. It's much more brick and castle-style. It has its own charms, but it's not as relaxing. But the people there were nice, with Papashaun and the others always ready to help out. But once I reached the higher ranks of the Immortal Flames, I felt I had to move to learn more about the world too.

So I enlisted under the Twin Adders, as I currently am. A Lieutenant, I reached the higher ranks again. So I think I will be trying my luck with the Maelstrom next. Just to have my name known in all three armies. But I'll keep my home in Gridania still.

My Free Company, Dimensional Death, has passed some votes on where we might build our headquarters when we mass the money for it. Which we're not quite near enough for yet, but one day. We wanted to test the pulse of our teammates though. It seems pretty split, I have no idea where we will go. My vote is still at Gridania though.

Ultima in all of its fearsome glory
My friends needed my healing powers for an Ultima tonight. Well, the Bard Tale's version of it. While the Ultima we defeated, the one controlled by the Garleans, was a pretty mean fight, the recreation of the Bard is even beyond that. I am not sure what he imagined hearing the tale of my battle against it, but it definitely was not that stressful either! Epic fight mayhaps, but bards do tend to exaggerate the deed. Fortunately, recreating this story doesn't put my life in danger, but it is quite the exploit to win over once more.

We had a few repeated performances too, all victories. Got myself a shiny new choker for my bow-wielder too.

In no particular order, all Dimensional Death
Ayasu Lemieux, Saithe Laiste, Taber Tia, Cissnei Shisune, Laude Thievenaix, Beau Quitone and Fae Lindae
Also got a Band of Fending, Band of Striking, Choker of Fending and Choker of Casting too. All nice upgrades for our team exploring the depth of the Coils of Bahamut tomorrow.

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