Wednesday, January 8, 2014

FFXIV ARR : Adventure Log

Well, its already been 5 years since I last updated this blog it seems. But since its still here, might as well put it to good use!

I've had this idea for a while, but never gone around to actually working it in. I wanted to make a sort of 'adventure log' back in FFXI, but then the daily grind didn't really inspire me. But FFXIV is gorgeous, so I'll try to make this into a daily dose of In-Character reflections, Screenshots of the various travels and undertaking, people that I meet, but also things about my friends and Free Company.

For now I don't have much to say, but let's begin by an introduction to my character. Meet, Celedh Knight.

This is her Lodestone picture, so its probably going to change looks if you refresh it once in a while.

She started on Sargatanas in 1.0, under the name of Lifa Lockhart, which is a name I used in several places online, mostly in Role Playing communities. But by the time Beta of 2.0 arrived, I realized that it would be misconstrued as a miswriting of a well known character, so I changed it up. I used the name Celedh that I had in FFXI, and added Knight, which is both reference to my usual online nickname that you see here, and also a valid Hyur surname that I saw on lore-accurate name generators before official launch. I kept her looks as a sorta Tifa-lookalike without being too close either. Its in line with the general appearance of previously named Lifa Lockhart.

The name Celedh doesn't have anything special behind it. I used it in FFXI because I didn't want to be known as a "knight" when I could be a white mage, or plain as "Franck" in a fantasy world. So I looked up some old D&D character sheets and found this name that I had found through some online name generator. I figured it would work. It ended up being rather unique, even doing a Google search on it pretty much points only to things I've done. As a note, people pronounce it like "Cell-ed", but it looks Gaelic so it should be closer to "Say-lee" probably. Anyway, not gonna argue, I'm French :P

I didn't have much 1.0 experience, but I played long enough to get a power level to the 30s so I could get my Goobue Mount. I was a level 33 Gladiator that wasn't strong enough to unlock Paladin at the time, but completed most of the quests found in the 3 main cities. Conjurer 15, Marauder 15 to round up the abilities. I also had time to get all of the Summerfest yukatas, fortunately.

Now she's on the Excalibur server, Level 50 White Mage, Paladin, Bard and Scholar (Summoner is adequately geared but not much experience playing it).

Celedh's Diary will start tomorrow, recounting what will happen this evening. See you soon!

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