Friday, January 10, 2014

FFXIV Adventure Log : A Helping Hand

Sometimes I wonder what people think of me. I mean, I make myself open and helpful, but have to wonder how people perceive it.

I forgot my picture box, so I don't have anything to show, but I was running to meet the Sylphs for my usual round of helping the tribe, when I got a message over my personal linkpearl. They were asking me if I had a sufficiently experienced damage dealer. Well, I have Bard, so yes. And without regards to what I might be doing or if I was busy, I get invited for Stone Vigil.

Now don't get me wrong, I am totally ready to help people. But I think there is a way of asking such things. And blindly inviting is not one. "Are you busy? Can you help me with Stone Vigil?" is not so hard to ask, I would think. It just gives the feeling that you would help no matter the situation, no question asked. It's more a case of how its perceived from the other side.

But at any rate, my friend got his victory, so he can advance in his own adventures. I'm encouraging him.

On my side, I met with Gerolt, the legendary blacksmith of relic, for the first part of the search for the legendary book for my Summoner. The first part was hidden along the Sylphlands woods, so it was not too hard to find since I was in the area to help the tribe. And I had been gifted with the other part of the recipe, an erudite picatrix, about a week ago. A gift from my good friend Milo Onionbottom for my birthday.

Milo, the cook.

Me as a Summoner, mostly Darklight.
Next step is Dhorme Chimera. I know most of those monsters as I followed similar paths on my other paths, which are White Mage, Paladin, Scholar and Bard. But as a summoner I am less sure of myself.

I am almighty!
My favorite egi is Titan by the way. He's not really cute, but he's reliable, and I'm a squishy mage when he's with me. I appreciate his protect while I pelt the monsters with my attacks and various Bio and Miasma spells.

 Tonight we have an exploration of the Binding Coils of Bahamut as well. We have delved down to the 4th part of it before, but didn't triumph yet. But we are making progress. We received some Gloves of Healing, Trousers of Maiming, Earring of Striking and Gloves of Casting along the way down. We'll tackle the big bad elevator tomorrow.

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