So here's the first post : Why I wanted to do this.
I had ordered some new computer parts recently to replace those in my gaming computer. They were not bad parts, but I thought it was time to upgrade. But comes the question, what to do with the older parts. I already have too many computers at home. Here's a picture of my setup.
Laptop : Runs IM/Chat/WEB/Email, whatever could slow down a gaming PC pretty much.
Left/Back :
Gaming computer. It's hooked to the two screens beside it (left and center) as a dual monitor setup. Leftmost is a 17in CRT. The center one is the main monitor for the games of course, 22in LCD. The keyboard is in front of it (G15)
Rightmost : Server computer, it runs a small HTTP server to upload pictures (like the ones in this blog), nothing too fancy, but it did get some upgrades when I did that private WOW server thingie (PHP scripting FTW). The monitor is right next to it to the left, 19in LCD. Wireless keyboard and mouse (Logitech).
As you can see, adding a fourth computer would be useless and messy. I recently changed the third monitor for the 19in LCD, before that it was a huge 21in CRT. Guess what? That's going in the project now.
So with the older parts leftover, I decided to turn it into a dedicated arcade machine. What's better for a gamer than having the authentic feeling, while having the ways to make it into more by adding more games and options than a simple machine would? Not to mention original machines cost some 1000-2000$ easily (look on ebay).
So that's it, the start of my project. That was roughly 3 weeks ago. After the decision, I've been scouting the web for people that did the same thing, and fortunately there's tons of those too, so I'm not alone!
For those wanting to do the same, this is probably the best place to start : Arcade Controls BYOAC.
Tune in next time for more about my project!
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